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We are now accepting applications for 2025-26. Visit our admissions portal where you can apply online or book a tour of our Primary and Secondary schools. Click here to find out more.


Hutchesons’ Open Morning 2022

We are delighted you are considering Hutchesons’ for your child and we are looking forward to welcoming you to our Secondary campus on Saturday, November 5th. Our pupils will be delighted to show you around their school and will happily talk about life and learning at Hutchesons’.

Our Tour Guides

Our pupils are the best advocates of our school and they love talking about their learning experiences and the extra-curricular opportunities they have at Hutchesons’.

We ask that your register online to attend the Open Morning using the link below. When you arrive at the open morning you will be met by pupils who will guide you to the welcome area where member of staff will introduce you to your tour guide.

Tours last approximately 40 minutes and our guides will make sure you see the subject areas that interest you most. Please ask the guides any questions you have about their experiences. Our teaching staff will also be happy to answer your questions when you visit their subject department. Following your tour you are invited for tea and coffee in the main hall where members of our Senior Leadership Team will be available to answer any further questions you may have.