Open Morning

Our Secondary School Open Morning is due to take place on Saturday 2nd November.

To find out more or to register, please click here.

The Secret Garden Current and former pupils took to the stage for the stunning musical performance of The Secret Garden at Cumbernauld Theatre ...
GB Medallists Congratulations to medal-winners Josh Kersh and Jayden Groden, both C2022, who represented Great Britain at the Maccabiah Games in Israel ...
Women’s Hockey Success A current pupil and several FPs have enjoyed a successful summer representing Scotland Hockey. Congratulations to S6’s Emma who represented ...
Hutchie Family Receive Their GB Caps A number of former GB hockey players received their official caps at a special ceremony recently, including PE Teacher and ...
Hutchie Hockey Stars Play for Scotland It has been a busy Summer for our Hockey players, with Archie (S5), Jamie (S6), Johnny (S6), and Former Pupil ...
S6 Leavers’ Ceremony 2022 It was a special day for our S6 pupils as they celebrated the end of their journey at Hutchesons’ Grammar ...
HGSPA Golf Day The inaugural Hutchie 1957 Group Golf Day took place last Friday at Whitecraigs Golf Club and was a great success! ...
Scottish Careers Week With the first ever Scottish Careers week taking place this week, our Careers Department and Higher Education (CDHE) Department arranged ...