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Archive Photo of the Month – March

This month we share a photo of the Girls’ School attending the first Founders’ Day.

With Founders’ Day approaching, it’s a good opportunity to share a piece of school history with a photo of the first Founders’ Day, which took place at Glasgow Cathedral in 1961.

The photo was brought in by Rector J M Hutchison with the hope that it would serve to perpetuate the ‘old traditions and stimulate School loyalties’. For years, Founders’ Day merited a supplement to accompany the Hutchesonian, and you could obtain your own copy of the address after the event.

Founders’ Day also used to include exhibitions of the various school clubs, such as the Aquarium Club and Botanical Society, while the Primary School put on mimes and ceilidhs. The School Orchestra played in the Cathedral and various team matches were played after the service, including hockey matches between the boys’ and girls’ schools and former pupil matches.

There have been many speakers throughout the years, all speaking to the pupils about the long history and traditions of the school. Some of the girls who attended that day in 1961, wrote a poem (shown below), and this gives us a glimpse of what the day was like for them. It was one of the few events that the boys’ and girls’ schools came together then.

School Archive:

Committed to the collection, preservation and maintenance of the records of the school, its activities and pupils, the School strives to record the school’s history and memory and hold a range of archive material from class registers and magazines to photographs, trophies and uniforms. Pupils are encouraged at both Primary and Secondary School to engage with archive material, with the aim to provide a dynamic educational resource for the school and wider community.

Would you like to know more about the School’s History? Contact our School Archivist, Ms Devenney at with any enquiries.

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