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We are now accepting applications for 2025-26. Visit our admissions portal where you can apply online or book a tour of our Primary and Secondary schools. Click here to find out more.


We aim to be as flexible and considerate as possible by offering various fee payment structures to best suit the needs of different families.

School Fee Payment Options

  • Three equal instalments collected on 1st September, 2nd January and 1st April by direct debit.
  • Ten equal direct debit instalments collected on the first banking day of each month from September to June.
  • Twelve equal payments paid on the first banking day of each month, September-August.
  • One annual payment. Note annual payments will receive a discount of 1% provided payment is received before the start of the academic year.

Please note that all non-annual fee payments must now be made by Direct Debit only.

Our fees include the SQA exam charge so there is no additional payment to sit these external exams.

We offer a 25% fee discount to the eldest of three children at the school and a 50% fee discount to the eldest of four children. We must highlight that in calculating eligibility for sibling discounts, only full fee-paying pupils are taken into account. Eg. for a family of three where one child is in the pre-school/nursery and receiving funding, then the eldest of three discount would not be applicable.

The Governors have arranged Personal Accident insurance for all pupils and staff, which provides cover in the event of disablement or death due to an accident. The cost of this cover is incorporated in the fees each year.

Admissions Hutchesons' Grammar School Private Primary Glasgow

Financial assistance: The Bursary Fund

Please note that the bursary application process for August 2025 entry will close on 7th January 2025.

From its inception in 1641 by the two brothers Hutcheson our charitable purpose has been clear “a commodious and distinct house by itself for educating and harbouring twelve male children, indigent orphans, or others of the like condition and quality, sons of burgesses”.  Since 1876 our education has been for girls too and our charitable purpose is nowadays more simply recorded with OSCR (the Office of the Scottish Charities Regulator) as “the advancement of education”.

The charity is very much larger now and relies on the support of former pupils and parents to enable the high quality education provided by Hutchesons’ to be extended to those who are not able to afford the fees.

We offer two levels of support, as required by OSCR:

  • Transformational bursaries – where 100% of the fees are paid for.
  • Fees assistance bursaries – where some fraction of the fees are paid for by the family, with the remainder, up to 100%, paid for by the school

The school is working extremely hard to continue to provide bursaries and financial assistance every year. In a typical year, we are enormously proud to support around one in ten pupils in the senior school.  Should you be interested in supporting able and aspirational youngsters, please follow this link to the Giving and Supporting Hutchesons’ page page. We should be keen to hear from you.

Secondary 1 Bursary Applications:

It should be noted that despite our extensive fundraising we have a limited bursary pot.  For entry into S1 we warmly welcome bursary applications from those who are truly in need.  Regretfully, we are not able to offer bursary support to those joining us in later years, nor in Primary.  Those who perform better in our S1 entrance test will be prioritised alongside their financial need as we decide who receives a bursary offer, and whether it is transformational or to the level of fees assistance.

Following bursary application, a careful and thorough set of checks is made on the detailed evidence provided on the application form. We are unlikely to be able to help parents whose combined income exceeds £65,000 or where there are significant assets.

We are clear in our mission to target our support to those who need it most.

If you would like your child to be considered for a bursary place, please tick the box in your online application.  When the bursary application process opens in October you will be asked to provide detailed evidence in support of your application. The deadline for bursary applications is 7th January 2025. Late completed bursary applications will not be considered.

Further details

For further details concerning fees, please contact our Bursar by either post, phone or email:

The Bursar
Hutchesons’ Educational Trust
21 Beaton Road
Glasgow G41 4NW

Telephone: 0141 423 2933
Fax: 0141 424 1731

Fee Levels

Access the links below to find out more about our fee levels: